Bunkface The Master Bunk Detector

RIP Rush Limbaugh


My dad used to listen to the news on the radio when I was a kid. It had the weather, headlines and a brief synopsis of the article. The music would ring in and I knew to be quiet and do my best to help listen to the weather forecast. It would determine what I’d wear the next day and how we would approach everything.

I don’t know when I first heard of or listened to Rush. I was a good liberal back then, so I probably wouldn’t have listened to him if I did.

Long story short, I graduate college, work a few years in restaurants and eventually find myself in a pharmaceutical sales job after a few years. This meant I would be spending a lot of time in a car. And I don’t know if you’ve ever spent a substantial amount of time in a car every day, but you tend to hear some of the same stuff over and over again.

I started listening to sports and eventually Rush. I don’t know if it was the way he broke things down and pointed out the obvious or the way he guided you down the path the way only he seems to.

Mind you, I was still pretty liberal but my parents worked hard my whole life. I WAS THERE! Matter of fact, in my era, that usually means the kids will be working a lot. They sacrificed a lot and helped a lot of people when they could.

They pulled crazy hours. Double time. Then they had to make sure the animals were tended to after long hours. They scraped and clawed and paid a little more to live in a more safe environment for their kids. They did a great job and earned the loyalty of many clients.

By the time I was working in a professional capacity as a Drug Rep, I had been exposed to a LOT of hard-working, honorable, industrious people. I think Rush just came at a good time to put things in a way that was understandable and relatable.

This is why I think they hated him so much. He did an excellent job of communicating and relating relevant points, backed by data and life experience. He was another symbol of another guy who didn’t go to college but succeeded on the highest level by continuing to improve himself. He continued to hone his craft despite all the obstacles.

After all the songs, sports, classical music and PBS programming failed to keep my attention for long, Rush never got old. He had a promo where he mention how it’s hard being repetitive but not boring because left usually follow the same rules; making them so predictable.

If you listened long enough, some of the things he had said would come true. Then if you had an inquisitive mind, you might look something up and start investigating and asking basic questions.

I’m sure each person has their own memorable Rush moments. Mine involved him using the work “BUNK”. I was so excited. It was like a signal, albeit subtle. I even made a montage of it.

So here I am. Another convert from the Left towards the right…without calling myself a Republican. Rush did a great job of dropping hints, if not outright saying who the phonies or RINOs are.

He took a LOT of heat from the media, “Washington Elite”, Hollywood and anyone else who wanted to go after his sponsors to get him kicked off air.

I saw a lot of comments celebrating his death from some of the “Blue Checkmark” people who you’d think might be more decent, but I used to be a Leftist too, so I couldn’t expect them to be any better than me.

As a matter of fact, indecency doesn’t necessarily go along party lines, although, if the media were any indication, I think the conservatives might edge them out in general.

Regardless, I’d prefer to not hear it, see it, see or hear those who communicated those words, except to know whose projects or work to NOT support.

When you get to a certain age or experience level with my type of perspective, you learn to not wish terrible things on others. Things have a way of happening too close to home. Call it energy, karma or “Stuff Coming Back On Ya”, it’s a negative energy that I don’t like to play with anymore.

I hope his family and followers can find their inner-Rush and stay consistent, persistent and insistent as it pertains to pushing forward with the conservative values that Rush so eloquently espoused each day.

He didn’t put in 30 years of work for nothing.

Rest In Peace Rush Limbaugh.

